Southern Shores is made of of 8 different neighborhoods from Sea Crest Village and Pelican Watch on the oceanfront and the neighborhoods of Chicahauk, Mallard Cove, Fairway Estates, over on the soundside of Rt.12, with the rest of the Town proper. The newest addition is Southern Shores Landing.
The oceanfront is separated from the soundfront by a large dune ridge than runs the entire length of the town. On the oceanside of the ridge there are rolling sand dunes with the beach wind swept vegetation. The sound side of the ridge is protected from the salty ocean wind offering protection for a maritime forest of hickory, dogwood, holly and other hardwood trees. Southern Shores also has a variety of amenities.
If the house you are looking for is not on this page, but you still would like to buy a beach house in Southern Shores, you will find the rest of the properties for sale spread out throughout this site. If watching the sun rise over the ocean is your thing, we have a section for Southern Shores Oceanfront Homes and a section for Southern Shores Soundfront Homes with sunset views over open water. For the boaters, there is a section for Canalfront Homes in Southern Shores and if your plans are in the future and you just want to get your foot in the door then a building lot in Southern Shores might what's needed to get you started. Browse and enjoy.
You can drive through rolling, wooded hills reminiscent of the mountains to suddenly find yourself at the beach as you cross over the top of the ridge.
Because of this diversity and the oversized lots, Southern shores real estate values have consistently outpaced most of the Outer Banks.